Vision: Grey Bruce Climate Action Network (GBCAN) envisions a community enthusiastically engaged in climate action and governments engaged in climate focused decision-making.
Mission: GBCAN supports climate action groups to promote community engagement in climate action and collaborative climate-focused decision making.
Theory of Change: By supporting climate action teams with a collaborative approach, GBCAN will foster a community vigorously engaged in climate action and champion climate focused decision making. Our approach will remain responsive to a changing world.
In our second full year of operation, we made gains in our collective work to engage both municipal leadership and the public in climate change learning, mitigation, adaptation, and engagement.
Stay tuned for our 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. And the global temperature is still rising. There is still a window of opportunity to limit climate change, but only if we take unprecedented action immediately. Everyone needs to be involved, including governments, businesses, communities, and individuals. Take action to transform our world.
UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Taking Climate Action
See the list below to find your municipality contact. Don’t see one in your municipality? Contact us to start your own.
Feb 4, 2025
The Grey Highlands Climate Action Group supported a deputation by the Ontario Headwaters Institute to…
Feb 4, 2025
The Saugeen Preservation Society Inc. (SPSI) deputed to the West Grey Council on January 14…
Kathleen Caswell
Odette Bartnicki
Rod Layman
Lesley Lewis
Joyce Hall
Ann Schneider
Nikki May
Joachim Ostertag
Suzanne West
Kay Schaltz