Announcing Earth Day Grey Bruce 2023                                                     

The Earth Day Grey Bruce Planning Committee invites everyone, of all ages and identities, as well as organizations and community groups from across our region to join us on April 22 at Owen Sound Farmers’ Market. Click here for further details. We acknowledge that we live in the traditional territory of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and welcome the participation of Indigenous people and groups in the event.

Our goal is to champion a celebratory Earth Day event that educates and energizes us all to take steps towards climate action including mitigation, adaptation, and social justice.

Who We Are:

The Earth Day Grey Bruce Planning Committee is made up of volunteers who are residents of Grey Bruce and active in their communities, promoting climate awareness and the steps towards solutions.

Where to find us:

Follow us on Instagram @earthdayGB22 and on Facebook at EarthDayGB.

Email us at

How you can help:

  • Volunteer: We need helpers at the March Break Art-making Workshops and for the big day: at our events and in the Parade! Sign Up Here
  • Donate: All donations to help support the event are eligible for tax receipts. Donate Now

How to get there:

We encourage Owen Sound residents who live near enough to the Library, Gallery and Farmer’s Market to use earth-friendly means of transportation. For those travelling from further away, here is the link to the Downtown Parking Map.


We gratefully acknowledge the participation of all of these organizations and others who have partnered with us in creating this, our second annual event, aimed at building awareness of the need for climate action and show casing how as a diverse community we can work together.


We also gratefully acknowledge generous support from the following organizations:

Funding provided by Community Foundation Grey Bruce.

The views and opinions expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect those of Community Foundation Grey Bruce.

Funding provided by the Meridian Branches in Grey and Bruce as well as Meridian’s Good Neighbour Program.

Join us!

Find your municipality contact below and start a conversation

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