GBCAN represented in the Green Zone at the Home and Cottage Expo 2024

Members of Climate Action Team-Owen Sound (CAT-OS) and Georgian Bluffs Climate Action Team (GBCAT) were organizing a Green Energy Day, with vendor exhibits and a panel of speakers, to take place on May 11th . When we discovered that the Owen Sound Home & Cottage Expo 2024 was scheduled on the same weekend, we asked the City for space at the show instead.

Thanks to Jen Wright, Events and Activation Coordinator for the City of Owen Sound, our event under the collective GBCAN banner was able to switch tracks. The booth space was generously provided to us without charge and we were positioned in the Green Zone along with Grey County, Township of Georgian Bluffs, and vendors promoting heat pumps, solar energy, and EVs.

Volunteers from the Green Zone team and Pollinate Owen Sound were present all weekend and were delighted by the interest from the public. People wanted to learn more about who we are and what we represent and to spin the Climate What to do Wheel. Some also joined our email list and took away our information pamphlet: Earth Day is Every Day with the  contact information on municipally based CA groups. They also wanted to talk about their own experiences, what they have noticed and things they have heard. It was all round a good and positive experience. 

Many thanks to all of the people who volunteered their time, good will, and green energy to make this happen.

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