Dec 2, 2024
Climate Action Teams have had a very busy Fall and are looking ahead to 2025
GBCAN is a network of ten Climate Action Teams from Bruce, Grey and Simcoe County. We meet five times a year to talk about what we have been up to and share ideas for effective climate action. Below you will find descriptions from each of the climate groups on things they have been doing this Fall.
Blue Mountains CANN
- Families Go Green for Blue
We have raised money to support many projects: Story Time at the L.E. Shore Library (Nov. 29), a Nature Walk with Aki Guardian’s (indigenous involvement), a spring 2025 project of Naturalize Your Yard.
- Official Plan Update
We submitted a very detailed response to the proposed updates to the Official Plan, we were disappointed with the lack of implementation of our previous input. We emphasize the need for stronger language regarding environmental protection, the inclusion of the Natural Heritage and Natural Asset Studies, which are currently completed. The final round of changes is expected before the end of the year.
- Tiny Forest and Youth Grant
We assisted with the successful planting of a Tiny Forest in Thornbury’s Moreau Park
- CANN Website and Social Media
We have a contract to proceed with a renewal of our website, with a commitment to post social media messages 1-2 times a week, and to create a couple of newsletters. We will emphasis a regular positive presence in the community, and will post positive testimonials on the events occurring in the community
- Green Economy Hub
We are participating in this national program funded by the federal government to help companies in Southern Georgian Bay (Clearview to Meaford) to ‘green’ their operations. CCAT is taking the lead on this program. Two more businesses are eligible for the first cohort, with a 50% fee reduction (10 businesses in the first cohort).
- Beaver River Trail
The Beaver River Trail access point at Alice St. E. in Thornbury is in jeopardy of being torn up to create an entrance way to a private property. We will continue to advocate for the preservation of the Trail, along with other local residents and Tree Trust.
- Southern Georgian Bay Pilot
We are continuing to advocate for the collaboration of the climate action groups along Southern Georgian Bay
- Rain Barrel Project
We are considering for 2025 a project with
- Youth Community Projects
A younger member is recommending the creation of a community of younger persons into a group like CANN and he is looking for other environmental organizations for support. He has many excellent ideas on gathering young families and young people to create more outdoor education opportunities. Our “Families Go Green for Blue” and our “Fit” team are working with him.
- Yuka App
This app reads bar codes on products -food and beauty- to instantly provide information on ingredients, environmental impact and the relative safety of the product. It will also recommend preferred alternatives
Clearview CAT
- The Clearview Official Plan was awarded the 2024 Plan ON Vision Award of Merit.
- The Clearview Sustainability Network (CSN) held a community event in late October.
- CSN, together with Collingwood CAT, presented to the Clearview Council on the Green Economy Hub pilot project.
- CSN will be hosting a panel discussion on pollinator gardens and related bylaw best practices.
Collingwood CAT
- The biggest project that has occupied Collingwood CAT this Fall is the Green Economy Hub pilot.
- We have also been working on a Greening Home Program, which focuses on green development standards, working with developers to build awareness and buy-in, a home retrofit program launching in January with neighbours helping neighbours, and finding funding sources from governments.
- We will be reengaging on the carbon footprint program in the near future. Stay tuned.
Georgian Bluffs

The Repair Cafe is going really well. This year we have had more than 60 volunteers, 1000 plus volunteer hours, and close to 300 items repaired. We partnered with Owen Sound Waste Watchers- who come to the Cafe to collect clean socks, dental hygiene products and cosmetic products.
- We have partnered with the municipality on a fishing line collection and recycling program.
- We will make a deputation on Green Burials to GB Council on Dec 4th
- We made a deputation on Safe cycling lanes to Grey County on November 28th
- We are working on a Motion to GB Council on building a Green Fleet of vehicles; it includes an excellent spreadsheet that will help municipalities with planning their fleet replacements.
- Meeting has been held with the Chair of the Blue Water School Board and one of the superintendents. There appears to be interest in working with some of us to look at data and ways of taking positive action.
Grey Highlands
- The Grey Highlands Climate Action group received a certificate from the GH Peace Committee for our work at the Cenotaph. We planted a native species garden.
- Along with Collingwood CAT, in December, we will make a deputation to Grey Highlands Council on the Green Economy Hub.
- The Ensuring Sustainability Advisory Committee to Council was not able to meet in November. The next meeting will be held in January. At the meeting in October, we heard a presentation from Mind Your Plastic ( on The Circular Economy, Plastic Pollution, and Municipal Action. It was very well received by the committee, and we will be working on a Notice of Motion to Council on reducing plastic.
- Meaford municipality is working on a climate change mitigation and resiliency project that will focus on corporate changes to reduce impacts on the environment. It will include identifying projects already completed by the municipality to reduce CO2 emissions, identify current municipal emissions, set climate change goals for the municipality, and develop a plan to reach these goals. The Municipality will work in conjunction with the County and neighbouring municipalities to reach and promote climate change goals.
- We are participating in a Green Economy Hub pilot, spearheaded by Collingwood CAT. A deputation to Council will be made at the December 9th meeting.
Owen Sound (CATOS)
- Youth Climate Action Conference 3.0:
On November 7, over 130 elementary students and more than 30 educators from 27 schools across Grey and Bruce counties gathered for the third annual Youth Climate Action Conference (YCAC). The event provided a platform for students, educators, and community organizations to come together, learn, and collaborate on climate action initiatives. Each school that attended will receive $500 from Learning for a Sustainable Future towards implementing this project and students will have an opportunity to share their work at Owen Sound’s Earth Day event in April 2025.
While students were in their sessions, teachers participated in a full day of professional development on how to connect climate to their curriculum, led by Learning for a Sustainable Future
The conference was made possible through financial support from the Government of Canada as well as over $10,000 raised by The Sustainability Project in sponsorships from local community organizations, climate action teams, municipalities, and individuals.
We were very impressed with the level of organisation and range of educational experiences for students.
- School Projects (Eco Teams):
Joachim continues to work with the Keppel Sarawak Eco Team and we have started working with the new principal of Alexandra School on developing an Eco Team
- Owen Sound Visioning 2050, Community Engagement Sessions, Nov 8-10.
Five CATOS members attended visioning sessions on Greening Owen Sound, Transportation and Planning. We were encouraged by the City providing a very engaging format which allowed for focused conversations as well as formulation of concrete actions. CATOS was identified as a resource to the City on climate action related issues. All 3 sessions that we attended showed that most participants spoke from some climate action informed positions. We are looking forward being involved in the next stages of the Vision 2050
- Green Economy Hub Canada. (see more from Collingwood CAT below.) Question: Do we want CATOS join and/or talk to the City to join?
- Pollinator Garden Project:
Check out the next Pollinator Newsletter which will include a section on free give away of pollinator plants and seeds. The project received $10 000 from Bruce Power
- Environment/Climate/Sustainability Library:
The Owen Sound Public Library is not able to include a separate section on environment/climate/Sustainability. The Harmony Center may be a possibility and/or we need to find another space to house this literature.
- Climate Action Event:
It was suggested to plan a Crisis Planning event which would get people together for information exchange, focus on vulnerabilities and address risks due to climate change, including floods, heat, fires, agriculture, public health. See BARC Program: This could include “Get to Know your Neighbours and Neighbourhoods”. Ask the City of Owen Sound to examine climate vulnerabilities and develop Climate Change Risk Reduction Plans.
Interesting Link: The Climate Actions Simulator. There is lots of material we could use in future initiatives.
Northern Bruce
- The CAT is refocusing on community engagement; we hope to work more with students.
- We are planning a solar energy workshop, to be held in the Spring.
Saugeen Shores
- In Saugeen Shores, we have wrapped up the Environmental Ad-Hoc Committee and provided a report and presentation to Council on November 11th. Council was generally supportive and directed staff to bring budget implicaitons forward. The Committee’s mandate included: investigating the FCM-ICLEI Partners for Climate Program and reporting to Council on the merits of and requirements for participating in the Program; identifying criteria, nomination/application processes and funding opportunities for the Municipality to use in a new annual Town Environmental Stewardship Award; commenting on the development of, and supporting the implementation of, the Urban Tree Canopy Plan through the 2024 Business Plan; providing a point of contact and information sharing with Bruce County on environmental initiatives of mutual interest; provide recommendations on the creation of a community-led annual event to promote citizen action on the environment, and providing recommendations on ways to promote and create awareness of the event.
- The Tree Conservation Bylaw is contentious because it applies to both public and private lands. 80% of the tree cover (which is 39% overall) is on private lands, but there is reluctance to tell people what they can do and not do on their private properties.
Earth Works (West Grey)
- Will be meeting soon to re-examine our mission. We are hoping to expand the group and bring in more young people.
- Two talks are lined up for next year, to the local horticultural society and the nature group.
- We will be hosting a zoom talk with the Alliance for Liveable Ontario. They have a 5 part strategy for encouraging housing and development in towns rather than rural areas. The talk will be held on January 21st 2025.