Earth Day Grey Bruce 25

Building Green Communities

After three amazing and hugely successful Earth Day events, we are excited to announce that Earth Day 25 will take place on April 26, 2025 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Our Goal is to champion a celebratory Earth Day event that engages and energizes us all to take steps towards climate action, including mitigation, adaptation, and social justice.

This year, our theme will be Building Green Communities. We will facilitate presentations and conversations about concrete actions that can be taken towards a sustainable future, not just in our private lives but also in places of work, education and upcoming professions.

To help young people who are thinking about future job and engagement opportunities, we invite community leaders, professionals, artists, conservationists, educators, farmers, environmentalists, etc. to share what their work looks like, how to get connected, and what is needed to get there.

Overall, we will keep the same format as last year with all activities, presentations and performances along 1st Ave West, including the Library, the TOM Art gallery, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, the Victoria Park band stand and the street itself.

We want to learn and share ways we can do things differently and better by inviting:

  • Professionals to share their experiences
  • Kids to tell us through art, stories, dance how they see their future
  • Nature Groups to show us how to connect and live with nature
  • Municipalities to share their climate action plans and initiatives
  • Conservation Authorities to share their role in protecting our environment
  • Investors to share information on how to build climate friendly portfolios
  • Farmers and local gardeners on ways to produce food
  • Social justice organizations on how to build caring communities in challenging times where no one is left behind
  • Green Energy specialists on how to reduce our carbon footprint in our homes and on the road
  • Music produced by young people imagining a different future.

Again, there will be spaces and booths for presentations on greener living, gardening, regenerative farming, mental health, accessing nature, alternative transportation, importance of trees, and climate action initiatives.

Here is a preliminary program for the Day:

  • 11:00am – noon: Water Ceremony at Queen’s Park
  • Noon – 3:30pm: Climate / Energy Fair at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Short presentations on green jobs and educational opportunities are a new feature.
  • Noon – 2:30pm Puppet Theatre, Storytelling, Face Painting for children
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Live Music by various groups at the Bandstand
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Street performances
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Student Climate Action presentations (Library)
  • 2:30pm – 3:30pm: Parade with Sauntering Band around the River

Poster Contest: To get as many people excited about this event, we will host another poster contest for students from our region (poster contest forms will go to all schools in Grey and Bruce Counties).

If you have any suggestions for planning and programming, please feel free to let us know. You can email

Stay tuned!

Thank very much

Earth Day Committee: Joachim Ostertag, Barry Randell, Anne Seymour, Tasha Schmitt, Kat Scott, Olive Borowsky, and Doug Crocker

Here is a video from Earth Day Grey Bruce 24.

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