Earth Day Grey Bruce 25

Apr 26, 2025

time: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

1st Avenue West, Owen Sound

After three amazing and hugely successful Earth Day events, we are excited to announce that Earth Day 25 will take place on April 26, 2025 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Our Goal is to champion a celebratory Earth Day event that engages and energizes us all to take steps towards climate action, including mitigation, adaptation, and social justice.

This year, our theme will be Building Green Communities. We will facilitate presentations and conversations about concrete actions that can be taken towards a sustainable future, not just in our private lives but also in places of work, education and upcoming professions.

Preliminary program for the Day:

  • 11:00am – noon: Water Ceremony at Queen’s Park
  • Noon – 3:30pm: Climate / Energy Fair at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Short presentations on green jobs and educational opportunities are a new feature.
  • Noon – 2:30pm Puppet Theatre, Storytelling, Face Painting for children
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Live Music by various groups at the Bandstand
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Street performances
  • Noon – 2:30pm: Student Climate Action presentations (Library)
  • 2:30pm – 3:30pm: Parade with Sauntering Band around the River

Stay tuned!

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